The first three weeks of our Foundation North Wave Warriors initiative comes to a close in Ahipara, Kaitaia today. Primary and Intermediate schools along with Kura Kaupapa from throughout the Northland region have all been enjoying their learn to surf experiences in conjunction with Surf Bros Surf School.
Twenty schools and approx. 800 students have taken part in the initiative reveling in the waves learning to surf whilst soaking up educational opportunities in surf safety, the ocean environment, and skill development.
“We have been running the Wave Warriors initiative with the support of Foundation North since 2014” said programme manager Lee Ryan.
“We bus the students from their school out to the beach and give them a two-hour surfing experience under the guidance of qualified surf instructors. The lessons comprise theory on land as well as getting in the water and getting them up and riding on surfboards” added Ryan.
The initiative has been delivering amazing amounts of fun for students, many saying the experience has been the highlight of the year for them.
Breaking down those barriers and fear of the ocean is a big part of this initiative and by having the students participate in the fun, safe environment, the learning part and breaking down barriers comes easy.
The initiative now moves on to Muriwai and Piha west of Auckland with a one week programme held at each beach over the next month.
The Wave Warriors Learn to Surf Programme has been taking place in partnership with Regional Sports Trusts around the New Zealand coastline since 2011.
The initiative introduces surfing to over 1500 students a year. Surfing New Zealand is partnering with Sport Waikato and Sport Waitakere early in the new year with more regions in the pipeline.
For background on the initiative head to the Wave Warriors page on our website.