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Tayla Green

Full Name: Tayla Green
: t t
Date of birth:
Sunshine coast /Gisborne

How many boards do you own: 11
Length range:5’6 to 6’0
Shaper: js
js, boost mobile, beach beat, ocean performance centre (OPC)
Favourite board: js xreo and xero gravity model is really ideal for the wave we have around home

Surfing Since:
11 years old
How did you start surfing:
I’ve been a water baby my whole life thanks to my dad and living by the beach also influenced me surfing.
Surfing competitively Since: 13 years old
Competition strategy:
fast start, good wave selection and building throughout the heat

New Zealand teams: This is my first time competing in a New Zealand team, which im very greatful to be apart of
Career highlight:
New Zealand National Champion under 18 girls
To be the best surfer I can be in and out of the water, to be world champion

Main surf breaks you surf: out the front of my house, which is called Kawana beach
Favourite surf break:
People you surf with the most:
my dad and my young sister

Other interests:
all sports
Surfing heroes:
Molly Picklum, Griffin Colopinto
Life heroes: my dad

Favourite food: Acai bowls

Favourite moves: fore hand carve
Favourite surf video:
the kangs

What is your favourite event to compete at in the New Zealand junior Series? Nationals

Have you been to Brazil before? No

What are you looking forward to most about the trip? Getting to experience new culture and team environment as surfing is usually an individual sport

What boards will you be taking? Js: zero, zero gravity, monsta 10 and a forget me not step up

Is there anyone you would like to thank? My family mum and dad for everything they do for me, community, and Northshore board riders.

What are you doing training wise on the lead up to the ISA World Junior Games? I am surfing everyday aiming for twice a day, gym 3 times a week and 3 cardio sessions.




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